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How Funnel Analytics Works

Each time a visitor to your site performs the action listed in the table below, data is collected for the event type and sent to your Google Analytics (GA4) account.
Event | Data collected when… |
View item list | A user views a list of products (ie. category page, related items) |
View item | A user views a product’s details (ie. product page) |
Select item | A user selects a product (i.e. to view product page or quickview) |
Add to wish list | A user adds a product to their wish list |
Add to cart | A user adds a product to their cart |
View cart | A user visits the cart page when cart is populated |
Remove from cart | A user removes a product from their cart |
Begin checkout | A user starts the first step in checkout process |
Add shipping info | A user has added shipping info to cart or checkout |
Add payment info | A user has added payment info during checkout |
Purchase | An order has been completed |
Refund | An order or partial order has been refunded |
Note: The following info will be sent to GA4 for each event if applicable: Product name(s), Product catalog ID(s), Category name, List name, Price(s), Quantity, Currency, Total Value, Order ID, Transaction ID, Shipping cost, and Sales tax